Thursday, February 28, 2013

Obama wants the Federal Government to overstep

it's Constitutional Authority AGAIN!!!

"Today, according to reports, Obama may continue his evolution on gay marriage and fight to deny California voters the right to settle this issue at the ballot box. NBC's Pete Williams reports that Obama's Justice Department will file a brief arguing that California's constitutional amendment establishing marriage as a union between one man and one woman violates the federal constitution. "Specifics — including the breadth of the administration's argument — remain unknown, although a brief should be filed later Thursday," reports Buzzfeed's Chris Geidner."

Flip flopping from his previous statements say that the matter of Same sex marriage is a States Rights issue.  Now he is having his DOJ interfere in a State's Law, which has been voted upon by the voters of that state.

Just one more tie that binds the Constitution.

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