Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ohhhh if only you could see my logs


You can see some of them..

Click on my sitemeter over there on the right and go through some of the visitors I have to my little blog.

Or click this link here to go to it also: Sitemeter

If I screen shotted all the various visitors I wouldn't have any time to blog.  I can give you a small idea of who is visiting me.

US Department of Justice


Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Ohio State University

Michigan State University


US Senate Sergeant at Arms

Several hits from D.C. that correlate to the US House of Representatives

Various US Armed Forces Commands I won't specify which

Several different state Governments and 2 State Police Departments

Don't believe me?  Click on the Sitemeter link over there on the right or the one I posted up above and see for yourself.

1 comment:

Please moderate yourself and your language. No posting of links to businesses, if you have a business you wish to advertise send me an e-mail. Please do not hide links in a comment. Post any links in full.

If you do not have a full user profile, your comment may be reported as spam. Particularly if you post a link to a commercial site.


It doesn't take much to fill your profile and put in a picture.

Thank you for reading my blog.