Monday, February 25, 2013

Spec ops team ordered out of Wardak Province Afghanistan

"KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan's president ordered all U.S. special forces to leave a strategically important eastern province within two weeks because of allegations that Afghans working with them are torturing and abusing other Afghans.

The decision Sunday seems to have surprised the coalition and U.S. Forces Afghanistan, a separate command. Americans have frequently angered the Afghan public over issues ranging from Qurans burned at a U.S. base to allegations of civilian killings."

I'm sorry but reading between the lines, I think the Afghan President is being blackmailed by the Taliban and Al Qaeda, with threats of more attacks if he doesn't get troops who are being an effective force against their attacks on civilians and the government forces in the province OUT.

So once again the lack of a backbone by a political leader is going to screw our troops by throwing away the gains they have made.  Further destabilizing the area.

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