Monday, March 18, 2013

A Bump in the Road-from the inbox

This was a sad note to read , but it makes you think that we should find out what happened on that day and what is behind the senseless killing of the people murdered that day.

I don't know the author of this poem.Very thought provoking and poignant. I do recall, however, the President referring to the Benghazi incident as "a bump in the road." 
I heard an ex-Navy Seal being interviewed on Fox News regarding a book he has written about how to handle crisis situations in our lives. At the end of the interview he asked if he could make a comment on Benghazi and of course the anchor said yes. 
He then thanked Fox News for keeping the Benghazi story in the news, since other news organizations were not. He said the Seals who died deserve the public knowing the truth about the whole affair.
This poem was written by a MARINE CORPS Officer   (anonymous)
This email needs to be circulated as much as we can to keep it going. I think this is the feeling of the general population and it should be pursued until something is done with the incompetent people involved who literally sat there in the White House and watched the SEAL'S execution on live streaming video and did absolutely nothing!

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