Friday, March 29, 2013

Malicious Redirect Hack

"The concept is driven home right away by a link in the post which lists PayPal as the target when you hover over it with your mouse. Clicking on it will give you a warning that it could have been a malicious page you were redirected to. Of course the address line of the page shows that you were sent somewhere else, but it’s still an interesting issue. The hack is accomplished with just a few lines of JavaScript. In fact, the original example was 100 characters but a revision boils that down to just 67."

You know the trick where you hover over a link to see where it goes?  Well this hack will show you an benign link, then redirect you to something that good be malicious.  So click the above link and check it out.  This is something you need to be aware of, and make sure your family members, such as parents/grandparents who aren't computer savvy know about this, so they can protect themselves.

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