Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sequester games and the CDC

"But committee staff had looked into President Obama’s plans for the 317 program long before the sequester ever took effect. And what they discovered was that the president, in his 2013 budget, had proposed to cut $58 million from the program. The administration claimed that the money could be saved through greater efficiencies and would not involve any reductions in vaccinations. (The proposed cuts never took place.) What stunned Rep. Harris and others was that after claiming in the 2013 budget last year that $58 million could be cut without harming vaccinations, the CDC this year claimed that sequestration cuts to the same program, estimated at $30 million, would have devastating effects. So Harris — who is also a medical doctor — brought the subject up in questioning CDC director Frieden:"

When the CDC Director is confronted with the facts and figures, he become rather evasive in his answers.

Just who we need running a Federal Agency, some one who dissembles and obfuscates the facts in an attempt to hide his political masters wishes for an exaggerated confrontation with Republicans.  Trying to score points against one political party or the other.

I think Dr. Tom Frieden needs to find a different job.  One OUT of government or public service.

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