Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Some links you need to check out

Breaking: Obama DHS Soups Up Drone Fleet to Include Domestic Surveillance Capabilities

Revealed: Iranian Regime, NIAC and Code Pink Are Joined Together in Anti-AIPAC Crusade (Video)

Italian Pilot Reports “Black Drone” Flying Near JFK Airport (Video)

Dr. Ben Carson: White House Urged Me “Not to Offend the President” (Video)

Team Obama Calls Female Reporter “B*tch, C*nt, A$$hole” For Asking Tough Questions

MUST SEE VIDEO – African Americans Against Gun Control Release Powerful Ad Against Democratic Jim Crow Laws

Libyan Security Forces Torture 100 Christians in Benghazi – Shave Their Heads & Burn Them With Acid

Government Sequester Memo: Make Sure You Don’t Contradict Our Horror Stories

OUTRAGEOUS!… CO Democrat Tells Rape Victim a Gun Wouldn’t Have Helped Her (Video)

Napolitano Warns of Long Lines at Airports Then Blows $50 Million on New TSA Uniforms

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