Friday, March 15, 2013

What part of "Primitive" don't you understand?

"A team of health, construction and fire officials showed up foran unannounced inspection of the preserve, acting on an anonymoustip. Escorted by two sheriffs' deputies, they executed what Mr.Conway describes as a "SWAT-team raid"—peering into outhouses,stomping around log cabins, and climbing hand-hewn ladders."

I used to spend my summers on a farm.  A farm that had an old log cabin, an outhouse, a root cellar, an outdoor kitchen and all the other things you would think of from an old farm. 

What is this mans camp's name?  "Turtle Camp"  What is the main operative word of that?  "CAMP"  I don't know about you, but when I think of camp I think of old log cabins, outhouses, no indoor plumbing, you know Camp.

H/t BenK @ Ace

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