Friday, April 5, 2013

And this would have stopped the Newtown Massacre how?

"HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Gov. Dannel P. Malloy signed into law sweeping new restrictions on weapons and large capacity ammunition magazines Thursday in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, a bipartisan deal that gun control proponents hope will spark action in Washington and state legislatures across the country."

How would these restrictions have stopped what happened in Newtown?  They wouldn't have.  Because they are nothing but feel good legislation passed in a hurried manner to force one more tenet of the liberals wish list of legislation on the citizens of this country.

It does NOTHING to address the real issue which could stop any more Newtowns, Auroras, Virgina Techs or the others.

Forcing the Doctors and other Mental Health professional to do the job they are ALREADY supposed to be doing.  That's right, the various professionals that are supposed to report the fact that their patients have a very loose grasp on reality to the authorities haven't been.  And to prove that all you have to do is to look a the person who I will not name in Colorado.  The University he attended is doing everything they can to get his mental health records and anything else that could point to their own culpability thrown out of court.  Why?

Because they didn't follow the laws, regulations and guidelines for reporting someone who may be a danger to himself or others.  In their particular case it is because if those records aren't thrown out they are more liable for a civil suit.  They already are liable as the rules of evidence are not as strict under civil law than criminal law, however under civil law they can delay and obfuscate to the point of reaching a negotiated settlement without admitting wrongdoing.  Not so in a criminal case.  The judge, if he decides the university was negligent can order the attorney general to start an investigation into the university's conduct.  And they WILL lose out if that happens.

All this law is is a feel good grab, and a push one further step and a check off of the list of things the leftists want to do to this country.

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