Monday, April 29, 2013

Border Fence over at Ace's

"The US government does not want a border fence built; the political class does not want a border fence built; the media class, virtually indistinguishable from the political class, does not want a border fence built.

On the other hand, 75% of the public does want a border fence built.

Obviously, the political/media class wins, as usual."

These Idjits need to be forced to live in a house where these illegals are coming through.  Without their security, and since they don't like firearms, without them as well.  Make them live there for a few months.  See how they like the feeling of people coming through their property, stealing from them, and in some cases attacking them.


Until such time as we can control who come in there can be no true immigration reform.

No Amnesty, no NOTHING until the BORDER IS SECURE!

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