Saturday, April 27, 2013

For the insurance company snoops

It took me almost 9 hours to put those posts together and schedule them to post in a 20 minute period.  When I write this, it is 3:36 am on saturday the 27th.  I'm out of pain pills until I can get to the pharmacy in the morning and the pain makes it so I can't sleep.  You try driving almost a thousand miles, stopping every hour or so to lay on the ground because your back feels like it is on fire and you're losing the feeling in your legs and feet.

Do you want to jerk my case around some more?  Am I going to get the nerve stimulator the Dr recommends?  Or are you going to try to screw me some more? What about my settlement?

I'm being nice and NOT posting the details of my case online.  Even though it has been over NINE YEARS since it was filed.  Do you want to keep screwing me over?  Do you want to see just what I can post online that you WON'T like?  And every bit of it will be the truth.  I'm quite sure certain Law Professors might want to comment on my case, and possibly post comments about it on THEIR blogs. Just go through my blogroll over on the right.  I'm sure some of the names are familiar to you.

You make me drive up to St. Louis to see YOUR tame Dr and your tame VocSpec, never mind just how badly it hurts me and CONTINUES to hurt me DAYS later.  And you try to use the fact that I blog as a reason I'm NOT disabled.

When according to 5 different Dr's the Social Security Administration, the State of Missouri and the State of Texas I am 100% totally disabled.  According to you I am only 25% disabled.  Do you think I like typing on my back?  Do you think I like not being able to dance with my daughter at her program?  Do you think I like not being able to even go swimming with my kids?  Or not being able to ride a bike anymore?  Or ride a horse anymore?

So for you people, just because I can type while lying on my back does NOT mean I can work some office job.  I have been typing this post now for over 20 minutes, does it look like it took that long?  And I am going to schedule it for 6:00 am just like I scheduled the other posts to post at a certain time.  Want me to attach another pic of my desktop to prove it to you?

To any other bloggers, could you post a link to this please? 

According to my attorneys just because I blog means to the insurance company I am not disabled and can get a "Real" job.  Who would hire someone who spends over 15 hours a day lying down, and gets up mostly to keep from getting DVT and trying to take care of his kids.  Or wants someone who takes as much pain medication as I do? 

Once again, according to the Insurance Company and their attorney's just because I blog, that means I can get a job, so they don't have to pay me.

Come on it's been since January of 2004, can you please quit trying to screw me and my family and just pay the claim?

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