Monday, April 29, 2013

How the heck did my dogs go through

50 plus pounds of dog food in two weeks?  Every month I take one of the kids with me when we get the dog and cat food.  The cats get 24 pounds, the dogs get 50 pounds.  Every month I also have to buy an extra bucket, because the cats can't eat 24 pounds of cat food every month, so I have 4 buckets of catfood, 3 of them are filled, 1 is empty the last is just under half full.  The dogs I normally have to buy a new bucket every other month to take the over flow.  So they have 8 buckets for their food.  50 pounds fills almost 3, 5 gallon buckets.  And the dogs normally only consume about 2 maybe 2 and half buckets of food a month.  So as you see, every month I run a surplus.  Except this month.  I just checked and I have 5 empty dog food buckets.  FIVE!?!?  It should only be 2.

So detective work was done.  MY Ex who lives a stones throw (Literally) away from me has a new dog.  And he is putting on weight like gangbusters.  And so is Kilo a dog I got from a friend.  Kilo has gone from 3 pounds to now 7 pounds in less than 2 months and all of it feels like muscle.  He is finally able to go outside and play with the other dogs where before he was stuck in a small apartment.  Hugo, (My ex's dog) has gone from about 13 pounds to a very stout 20 pounds in the 4 months he has been here.  He also can run outside and play with the other dogs.

So know I need to put an extra $25.00 into the budget every month for an additional 50lb bag of dog food.

I think when I go to the store thursday, I'll take all of the kids.  There is no way I'll be able to push a shopping cart with 124 lbs of dog and cat food in it.  And I'll have to buy a couple more buckets just in case.

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