Thursday, April 25, 2013

I'm home

and I'm sore, stiff and very tired.  The kids just finished unloading the truck.  I thought I wouldn't be home until much later, but Texas raised the speed limit from 65 on highway 77 and highway 59 to 75.  So and extra 10 MPH spread out over 6 hours go me home an hour quicker.


While stuck in traffic I was behind a Dodge Charger, over the 30 + minutes  inched through traffic 4 different vehicles cut in front of me then other cars in other lanes to get ahead.  I passed all of them several times myself, when I finally got out of the traffic the black Charger and I were still in line, and the cars that had cut in here and there were behind us.  :)

Staying in the second from right lane the entire time paid off.

The only big problem I had was I hit an armadillo by El Campo on the turn.  I thought I was going to go off the road but I stayed on the road and straightened out.  I guess all that training from the Army, the Fire Department, the Ambulance Company, the Police Department and North American Van Lines paid off :)

I'm taking some meds and going to try to go to sleep.  I'm still a little wired up though so we'll see how that goes.


  1. Glad you made it home safely. And thanks for the reminder about Houston traffic. Will be down there next weekend in the thick of it.

  2. Well my daughter Melissa and I will see you at the NRA Annual Meeting.


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