Saturday, April 20, 2013

Many Gun Control Advocates have a psychological condition.

They will never admit that, however if they were psychoanalyzed, I'm quite sure the examining psychiatrist would diagnose them as suffering from "Transference".

That is where a person redirects their own feelings on to others. And we have had many examples of Gun Control Advocates and many run of the mill anti-gun politicians, actors, actresses, business leaders etcetera ad nauseum, who have wished violence onto others who do not agree with them.  Hmmm, so they are attributing their own feeling of violence to others.

No WONDER they are against people exercising their Constitutional Rights.  Because they can barely control their own violent impulses, they naturally assume that everyone else is the same way.

If you don't agree with their opinion about Global Warming, oh I'm sorry anthropogenic global warming, then you are a denier and must be removed from the planet so as not to taint others with your heresy.

You disagree with Same Sex Marriage?  You are disgusting and should be put down like a rabid animal.

You are against "Reasonable Gun Control"  You are a serial killer just biding your time until you snap and start killing people and must be disarmed or incarcerated.

These people have a deep psychological problem.  They transfer their own beliefs and feeling onto others.  They of course are as pure as the driven snow, and you must not question their motives.  If you do, it just shows that you are subversive and must be punished.

So keep this thought in the back of your mind if you ever run into one of those virulent gun control advocates, Climate Change, AGW, or any other polarizing issue.  They are mentally ill.

And since they are mentally ill, they will assume YOU are mentally ill, and are wrong.  Even if you have facts, Data, and everything else to back up your claims.

You are wrong, becasue you are mentally ill just like them.

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