Friday, April 5, 2013

More on Gun Control laws that DON'T prevent mass shootings

"Campus Cops Were Warned About Aurora Movie Theater Shooter James Holmes, But No One Followed Up

I posted earlier about how politicians and special interest groups use tragedies such as Newtown and Aurora to force through laws that WOULDN'T have stopped those tragedies.

And this would have stopped the Newtown Massacre how?

That link at the top is about how the Aurora Shooter who I will not name, his own Psychologist, reported him to the police and wait for it, The Police DIDN'T FOLLOW THROUGH, on their investigation.

So now the Prosecutor is trying to get that information tossed out.  Click the link to Ace's and read for yourself.

Once again Those were were SUPPOSED to do something didn't follow the law, and people died.

How is the fult of the firearms?  How is the fault of millions of law-abiding firearms owners?  So why are law abiding firearms owners the ones who are targeted by all these new gun control measures?  And not the Mental Health Professionals and the Law Enforcement Agencies WHO DID NOT FOLLOW THE LAW!

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