Thursday, April 4, 2013

North Korea will likey launch a Low-Level "Tactical" attack

Reads the ....  Heck I'll let you read it for yourself.  Make your own determination of just how stupid and immature this all is.  ESPECIALLY the so called "Analysts" who think it won't be such a "Big Deal"

"North Korea Likely To Launch 'A Relatively Small Attack That Won't Leave Many People Dead' 

The most probable outcome of all these tensions is a low-level "tactical" strike from North Korea. 

But don't worry, it'll be " a relatively small attack that won’t leave many people dead," Sue Mi Terry, a Columbia University professor who served as a senior analyst on North Korea at the CIA from 2001 to 2008, told Wired's Spencer Ackermann."

What kind of ridiculousness is that?  an attack that won't "Leave many people dead" is still an attack.  And will still leave people dead.

Small comfort for the families of the slain that the attack was just so Kim Jong Un can live up to his bellicose Bluster, and not to Lose Face.


If one of my family members were to be killed by his "Face Saving" I'd try to figure out someway anyway to make HIM pay.  And I don't mean financially.

He or his Generals/Advisers are the ones rattling swords and making threats and upping the rhetoric and actions.  The only thing the US and south Korea have done so far as I can tell is to TRY to counter his insane actions and limit the damage before hand.

Bunch of idiots!

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