Saturday, April 13, 2013

NRA Annual Meeting May 3rd through the 6th

"Join us for the 142nd NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits at the George R. Brown Convention Center in the heart of downtown Houston, TX, May 3-5, 2013!

With over 550 exhibitors covering over 400,000 square feet of exhibit hall space, educational seminars, celebrities, and fun filled special events, bring the whole family- there will be something for everyone! Spend the day exploring the products from every major firearm company in the country, book the hunt of a lifetime in our exclusive outfitter section, and view priceless collections of firearms in our gun collector area. You'll also see knives, wildlife art, shooting accessories, hunting gear, ATV's, and much more!"

My #2 Daughter and I will be there.  We are only 3 hours or so south.  I just need to get my room taken care of.

Are you going?

For more information click that link above.

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