Monday, April 1, 2013

Some links for you - back at Dr's

I'll be in Corpus most of the day. Checking with Dr and getting a new window for the S-10. Here are some links I put together. This SHOULD post at 6:00 am CDT.

The Big Lie

Sunday Not So Funnies

Obama Stabs His Own In The Back

Lookie how Obama is using your tax dollars now: Sending Syrian jihadists our most advanced sniper rifle AS-50

Obama-backed Syrian jihadists behead pro-government Sunni cleric, then drag his body through the streets

Muslims continue to use our legal system against us. STOP letting them!

ATHEISTS: Unlikely allies in the war against Islam

Barack Hussein Obama is arming Syrian jihadists who are killing Christians

Well, who'da thunk it?

Obama racist; associating with racists on Easter Sunday

WaPost op-ed blames whites for mass shootings; fact remains minorities are over-represented for ALL murder types, including mass murder

Definitive Proof that Obamacare Raises Costs and Kills Jobs

5 Groups Of Obama Voters That Are Being Crushed By Democrats

A serious kick in the balls is needed by the clowns in the DoD

Founders vs. Biden & Co.

Media Lied About Sandy Hook Shooter? Say It Isn’t So!

Layers Of Fact Checking

5 Mind-Blowing Facts Nobody Told You About Guns

Wilding Downtown 

The Pillage People . . . 

Report: Cyprus President’s Family Transferred Tens Of Millions To London Days Before Bailout

AWFUL… Obama’s Church Pastor Pounds Conservatives With Racist Attacks on Easter

What Sequester?… Obama Plays Golf, Enjoys NCAA Game, Blows Thousands on Liesurely Saturday

Democrats Push Legislation to Remove Sheriffs Who Refuse to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws

Autism Awareness Day, April 2nd

Judge Throws Out Case To Remove World Trade Center Cross

Planned Parenthood Finally Tells The Truth

Obama Hasn’t ‘Evolved’ That Far … Yet

The False Gods Of Climate Change Called Out On Easter…

On Day Of Easter – Google Honors Communist Cesar Chavez

“Unfit for Work: The Startling Rise of Disability in America”

The background check debate today

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