Sunday, April 28, 2013

Some Links

I'm still in a lot of pain, and it's much easier right now to just post the links to stuff I think you might find interesting and pertinent. I'm going to take a muscle relaxer and try to get some rest.  And correcting all of your own spelling and grammatical errors while you are hurting isn't fun.  I wish blogger or Firefox's built in editors were setup for easier editing.

Colorado Repeals Law That Required Police to Report Illegals to Federal Authorities

Andrew Breitbart Vindicated on Pigford After Years of Attacks From Liberal Media

Breaking: Federal Investigators Now Believe a Third Terrorist May Have Been Involved in Boston Bombings (Video)

SHOCK VIDEO: Colorado Voter Registration Without Identification Caught On Tape

Dem Operatives Found Guilty on All Counts in Obama and Clinton Presidential Ballot Fraud

Obama: “God Bless Planned Parenthood… We Got To Spread The Word, Particularly Among Young Women” (Video)

Eric Holder: Breaking The Law Is A Civil Right

Judge Marianne Bowler Who Mirandized Boston Bomber Has Ties To Muslim Countries

VIDEO: Local Michigan Democrat Caught On Tape Calling Town Official ‘Arrogant N*gger’

Did Holder Initiate the Legal Process For Boston Bomber To Shut-up And Lawyer-Up?

Breaking Report: FBI Was ‘Shocked’ to See Judge ‘Waltz’ in and Give Tsarnaev Miranda Rights

OUTRAGE ALERT: Child Abuse In The Gov’t-Run School Curriculum… Children Forced to Kiss Same Gender In Simulated Homosexuality (Video)

Rep. Tom Cotton Blasts Obama: “Five Jihadists Have Reached Their Targets in the US Under Barack Obama” (Video)

GE Capital Cuts Off Lending to Gun Shops

VOTER FRAUD: Obama FAILED To Qualify For INDIANA BALLOT? Was This an Isolated Incident?

It’s an Obama World… White House Pays Recruiters to Sign Up People for Food Stamps

Breaking: Saudi Student Alharbi Visited the White House Several Times

CAIR Executive Director: Radical Islam Is Not Primary Driver of Terrorism (Video)

MFM Echoes Harvard 'Revolutionary Socialists' Post #BostonBombing Talking points

Did You Hear About A Ukrainian Rutgers Student Arrested For Taking 2 IED's Into NYC 8 Days Before #BostonBombing?

What Boston Taught Us

Why I Carry a Handgun for Protection, Vol. 62

VIDEO: Terrorist Floyd Corkins Tells FBI He Used SPLC ‘Hate’ List to Find Target

A Word on Subject Matter

Gun Control - A MUST READ over at Kevins

Joe Biden Promises Federal Gun Control To Happen “Before The Year Is Out”

Obama’s FAA “Frustration Device”

Politicians Who Passed Obamacare Move To Exempt Themselves From Obamacare…

Obama White House Delayed Photo Release Of Bombing Suspects To Allow Time For Speech

MSNBC Initiates Boston Bomber Victimization Program – Will Other Media Do The Same?

Pay Attention - There is a content warning but nothing objectionable at this link.

Why maximal enforcement of federal gun laws is not always a good idea - Another Must Read

No bonuses for VA execs

Obama Administration: Troops should sacrifice more

Atlantic: Despite evidence to the contrary, vets are the greater threat

Westboro Baptist Church...

Minute Men News:House Dismantles Fourth Amendment While America Distracted - Minute Men News

FBI Still Investigating Shooting At Nuclear Plant

DHS Training Video Depicts Gun Owners As “Militia Members” Planning Terror Attacks…

Clergy Banned From The Boston Bombing Site After Explosions

Giuliani: “Mind Boggling” DOJ Cut Off Questioning Of Bomber Suspect As Started To Confess About Threat To NYC

Good Luck With That!

Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill 844 pages long


  1. Thank you Good Sir. I'm about 65% right now. I'll probably hit 100% just in time to drive to Houston, and knock myself down to 70 or 80%


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