Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Left's Attack on Mitch McConnell

"The Louisville Courier-Journal took the noisy 12-minute audio and cleaned it up to determine what the speaker actually says on the tape. The newspaper determined that the legislative aide did not say “thanked them three times,” but instead said “on their free time.” So the transcript should read:

Presenter: So I’ll just preface my comments that this reflects the work of a lot of folks: Josh, Jesse, Phil Maxson, a lot of LAs, on their free time, so this is a compilation of work, all the way through. The first person we’ll focus on…

The Weekly Standard’s Daniel Helper came to a similar conclusion. Those words make all the difference in the world. If the “thank them three times” interpretation is correct, then the phrase may be evidence backing up CREW’s complaint. But “on their free time” makes it clear that the work was not done on the taxpayer’s clock and therefore there is no basis for the complaint at all."

Towards the end of that article, it asks why is an ethics watchdog group doing at a political strategy meeting?  Plus it draws attention to the timing of the ethics complaint.

Someone is trying their best to destroy the political process in our country.  Taking it over and subverting the system of check and balances.

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