Wednesday, April 10, 2013

This new Backround check they are talking about?

"The proposal will allow a doctor to add a patient to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) without ever telling the patient he or she has been added.

There would be no due process requirement. Not all doctors will be able to do it with the same ease, but many will. Knowing a doctor could add him to a federal database as mentally ill without his knowledge could potentially dissuade a patient from going to the doctor in the first place to get help. 

Worse, if the doctor does so and makes a mistake, the patient would have to actively work through the system to get himself removed — guilty before being proven innocent. In some states, should a doctor flag you as having mental illness without your knowledge, you may very well see the state come collect your previously purchased guns"

So you can be added to a list by the whims of a doctor who doesn't know you, isn't trained in psychiatry and may have his or her own preconceptions or prejudices, and you can LOSE your Second Amendment Rights.

I'm sorry, but if some Doctor or Medical Professional wants to add me to a list, I want to be able to FACE them, which IS one of our Constitutional Rights, you know the 6th Amendment and 14th Amendment.

Until such time as those protections can be guaranteed, this bill shouldn't even be brought up for ANY vote.

So Senator Toomey, how are you going to reconcile your bill with the Constitution?

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