Friday, May 31, 2013

#2 and #4 Sprogs Prom 2013

Melissa, Sprog #2 Flautist. Vocalist, Multi-Lettered Senior

Megan, Sprog #4 Clarinetist, Cross Country, Track, Lettered Freshman

These are two of my most treasured.  All of my kids are most treasured.  I am very proud of them, and I am extremely proud of Melissa who many other blogger met at the NRA Convention in Houston, she was my camera operator and schlepper.  She will be going away to school in the fall and I've never been more terrified of the thought that one of my kids would be where I couldn't be there if they needed me.  But as with all children, they must leave the nest to grow into their own.  But it still scares the pants off of me.

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