Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Since It's in the budget, (It better be since I've been squeezing every penny until they called the police for assault) I ordered what may become my new EDC Pistol.

I borrowed this pic from J&G Sales, since that is where I ordered it from.

Photo Property of J&G Sales, Prescott, AZ

The pic belongs to J&G, but it shows what I've ordered.  An alloy framed .32 ACP FEG AP 765, which comes with 2 magazines.  this is based of the Walther PP design like it's big brother the FEG PA-63.  J&G was sold out the S&B .32 ACP ammo, so I ordered 150 rounds of Fiocchi from Midway.

If you are interested in a small compact pistol that fires one more round than James Bond's PPK, with just a little more size but comparable weight due to the alloy frame, it can be found at the following link.

FEG AP765 at J&G Sales

Or if you prefer to call them here is the rest of their info:

J&G Sales
440 Miller Valley Road
Prescott, AZ, 86301

Phone:928-445-9650, Fax:928-445-9658
Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:30pm, Sat 9:00am - 3:00pm, Closed Sun.

You may remember that I bought my two Tokarevs and my family bought 5 Taurus Model 82's from J&G.  We have had no complaints about any of our firearms purchases from J&G, and I expect I will have no issue with this newest acquisition.

I tried to work a deal with the young man taking my order, always have to try to strike a deal and get a better price.

After I get my pistol I know that it will need a full strip down and clean, J&G is good about making sure the firearms they sell are in good condition, but every new to me firearm gets a detailed strip and clean so I can check for myself.  Plus it will help familiarize me more with what may become my daily carry piece now that warmer weather is moving in down her in south Texas.

One thing I will have to do however is to start researching for a proper carry load.  I've ordered FMJ, but I know that the .32 ACP is considered a somewhat weak cartridge for defense, but any firearm is better than none.

And this should be a lot easier than my old Taurus Model 82 and 2 speedloaders I normally carry on the road.

AND J&G!!! If you folks read this, can we still work a deal?  ;)

p.s. if anyone else decide to get one of these, could you tell them where you got the link from?  pleaseeeeeeeeeee, still trying to work up a deal of some sort to get a discount from J&G ;),  I dunno maybe an official T&E arrangement where I get 25% off the cost of the T&E piece if I decide I want purchase it for myself. They run some interesting firearms through their inventory.  They used to carry the AK-47 bull pup AK variant.  I would have loved to be able to shoot one of those, simply because of the fact it was used in Serenity by Jayne against the Reavers, granted it was dressed up and hard to ID properly.  However the AK47 bull pup was used in so many of the movies I enjoy such as Kurt Russell's Soldier and the aforementioned Serenity.  And yes those two links are major time sinks, I should know I'm also a member of that site as well and have worked on editing several of the movies, in fact I think the pics of my personal Sears Ranger 102.35/Savage Mod 29A and Astra .357 Target Model are still in there.  I also took many of the screen caps for Lone Wolf McQuade, which I think one of the other members has replaced with screen caps from the Blue Ray version of the film.  But I have diverted enough attention away from my bleg, if you do buy one of these please give my humble blog a H/t to the J&G people kai'thanx.


  1. Nice, and looking forward to the range report!

  2. Only two things keep me from more weapon centric posts. Ammunition and a full range. The only range close to me is a private range an I can't afford the yearly membership fees. The next nearest full range is over 50 miles away.

    Trust me if I had the ammo and the range, I'd be shooting almost every weekend.


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