Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bombing suspect shot before "Signing Confession"

"The man shot dead by an FBI agent in Orlando, Florida early today was "about to sign a statement" admitting to a role, along with Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, in an unsolved triple murder in Massachusetts in 2011, two people with direct knowledge of the case told ABC News"

Ok I really have no confidence in this report or the actions of the agents involved.  Somehow they allowed a suspect into a secure room with a weapon on him? I used to work in Law Enforcement, you ALWAYS searched EVERYONE in an interview/interrogation room.  There should be NO weapons of ANY type in that room.  All weapons are outside of that room.  So no suspect could take one from the interviewer/interrogator, and the suspect/subject SHOULD have been searched before even being placed in that room.

I read this story and the alarm bells in the back of my head start going off so loud I can't hear the news on the TV.

Everything about the shoot is suspect to me.

Where did the knife come from?

Wasn't he properly searched beforehand?


This stinks to me.  I'm quite sure others with LE experience may chime in with their experiences as well.  But this shoot just stinks to high heaven to me.

UPDATE:  This happened at the suspects apartment, not in an interrogation room.  It still sounds fishy to me with reporters claiming that the FBI stated that the suspect was getting ready to sign a confession.  Something fishy, very fishy here.

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