Friday, May 24, 2013

Dog Smiles-from the inbox

 C-c-can I use your potty next time? 
That they                                                           do.... they                                                           deserve no 
"Hang a left. Road work ahead." 
Your Daily                                                           Dose of Cute:
Look, look mom, he has my nose, don't you think? 
"Oh..Oh!--Over to the left a little, up...up up some more...right there! Ooohhh that feels good!" 
Ahh Jeffy! Youre getting so big! I love you so much! 
"I think -- I swollowed the cat!"
"Take a DEEP breath and hold it please."
see more fun at @[30157308652340 
"And I brought my horsey to sleep at  your house Nana. I always sleep with   my horsey." 
Photo: Be honest! SHARE and LIKE 
If I come - do I get a treat? 
Photo: -Di 
:D ~(gail)~
You could win an Apple MacBook P 
Photo: Does your dog ever act th 
Like &
He is not amused. 

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