Wednesday, May 15, 2013

EMCOMMS, Evacuation and Preparedness

An article I wrote back in 2005 just popped up in my cranium.  I was sitting here typing switching from the netbook to the desktop system as my hip wouldn't take it anymore and I looked right at my 2M HT sitting in it's charger next to my monitor.  Then I looked up to the left next to the window on the shelves there is one of the 2 scanners I have going 24/7.  And the article I wrote popped into my head.  The link below, is the article.  I won't repost it here, but please give it a read and check out the rest of the alpharubicon site.  I am still a member there, have been for 10 years, I still try to write some articles, some make the front page like the one below, others don't.

The point I'm trying to make is, the time to start getting your house in order is rapidly coming if it hasn't already passed.  With terrorism, natural disasters, and everything in between, if you have a family, you need to make some minimum preparations.

One of those is information and communications.  The article linked below is about how my family got ready to evacuate in front of a hurricane, and it was my having the means to keep informed, meant it wasn't required.  If I hadn't had those means, my family might have been stuck in traffic for hours, wasting time, fuel and money.


So please read that, check out the rest of the site and try to help yourself.

That is why I have the KTD Project here and I have links over on the right to many preparedness related sites.

Things can go sideways in a hurry.  Are you going to trust the .GOV to take care of your family's safety?  Or are you going to do something to ensure it yourself?

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