Tuesday, May 7, 2013

giggle for the day-from the inbox

The only cow in a small town in Ireland stopped giving milk,
Then the town folk found they could buy a cow in Scotland quite cheaply,
So, they brought the cow over from Scotland, it was absolutely wonderful,
it produced lots of milk every day and everyone was happy.
Then they bought a bull to mate with the cow, to get more cows,
so they'd never have to worry about their milk supply again.
They put the bull in the pasture with the cow, but whenever
the bull tried to mount the cow, the cow would move away,
No matter what approach the bull made, the cow would
move away from the bull and was never able to do the deed.
The people were very upset and decided to seek advice from the Vet.
Whenever the bull tries to mount our cow, she moves away. If he
approaches from the back, she moves forward. When he approaches
from the front, she backs off. If he attempts it from
the side, she walks away to the other side.
The Vet rubbed his chin thoughtfully. After pondering for a while,
he asked, "Did you by chance, purchase this cow from Scotland?"
The people were dumbfounded, since they had never
mentioned that they had brought the cow from Scotland.
"You are truly a very intelligent Vet", they said,
"How did you know the cow came from Scotland?"
The Vet replied with a very distant look in his eye,
"My wife's from Scotland"

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