Thursday, May 9, 2013

Have a Muslim sounding name get harassed?

So before deploying to Afghanistan last year for her second war tour, she legally changed her name — to Naida Christian Nova.

This did not solve her problems."

I realize the story only gives one side of this.  However I think it is telling that the Army dropped their attempts to force SFC Hosan/Nova out of the Army and prevent her from re-enlisting.

I also understand the mentality of kidding around and joking that take place, and how when people find a sore point for you, they will hit it CONSTANTLY to mess with you.

However, leadership I think, failed to do it's job and let the "joking" go past just fun and games and into actual harassment.  Then when SFC Nova filed a complaint, it turned to CYA mode.

The armed forces have a real need for qualified translators, and to allow the belittling and jokes to get this far out of hand tells me that somewhere there was a breakdown in military discipline.

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