Friday, May 31, 2013

Lois Lerner .GOV Employees and the Fifth Amendment

I sent a text message to Sean Hannity earlier today during his radio show.  It was very simple.

"All Government employees who take the Fifth Amendment are immediately fired and lose all pension benefits.

They work for the people of the United States.  If they will not answer questions and take the Fifth Amendment they are tacitly admitting they have done something either illegal or unethical.  Therefore they forfeit all compensation and their job.  See simple, you either tell the truth or you are GONE.

If you refuse to answer questions about your actions and duties as an employee of people of this country, YOU ARE FIRED!  Do Not Pass Go Do Not Collect ANY PENSION OR OTHER BENEFITS!!!! 

You are just plain gone, you lose any security clearances you may have and can never work with any private company that has contract with the Government.

You are O-U-T OUT!

Does anyone else feel the same way?

I don't want any more revolving door of leaving .GOV service and going to a company that has .GOV Contracts or deals with the .GOV in any way.  That means NO LOBBYING, NO CONTRACTING NOTHING!

Anyone else?

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