Thursday, May 16, 2013

No, Ms. Pelosi you are

"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi accused Republicans of using the alleged scandals involving the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Justice and the State Department as an "evasion" from passing bills she said would increase job growth."

You sit there in your little ivory tower and try to subvert the will of the people and destroy the protections guaranteed to those same people, and you have the unmitigated gall to claim it is just some game by republicans to avoid doing the "hard work" of passing bills.

No it isn't Ms. Pelosi, it is republicans and some of your own democrats trying to hold you and the rest of the administration to account for it's flagrantly illegal and unconstitutional actions. However that doesn't fit your agenda or your talking points so of course you will lash out at republicans because you don't want the truth to come out, you want to bury it.  So you spout your bile and your sycophants will listen to you and ignore the truth in order to force your agenda on the unwilling majority of American citizens.

We're tired of the lies, the obfuscations and the agenda.  We want you and everyone else in the government to obey the Oaths they have sworn to obey, protect and defend the Constitution.

Not hard is it?

Of course you and your lackeys won't do that.

1 comment:

  1. I wish people like Pelosi would get the simple message -- IT ISN"T YOUR JOB TO PASS LAWS THAT HELP CREATE JOBS.
    It is your job NOT to pass bills that interfere with job creation by businesses.

    It is however the job of Congress to serve as a check (remember that whole 3 branches, checks & balance thing) -- on the power and the illegal actions of the Executive branch.


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