Wednesday, May 22, 2013

One Veterans tale

"The Veteran’s Administration had bureaucracied him. He failed to include the ream of records from the intervening years of treatment and visits from discharge to claim update, therefore the injuries were deemed not service-connected.

He was given one year to appeal.

All records were collected, from both cities were treatment had occurred, despite one city “losing” the original request. This took five months.

An independent physician was paid an exorbitant sum to conduct another hellishly painful exam, review the ream of records, and write up their own opinion. This took another few weeks.

An appointment for the next month was made with a Disabled American Veterans advocate, then rescheduled by the DAV for three weeks later. Two more months gone.

Finally, with the help of the DAV representative, the appeal was submitted.

Today he discovers the DAV representative in St Petersburg has no record of the submitted appeal. Nor are they listed as having service-related power of attorney, as he had requested many months ago, which would have allowed them to use official channels to contact the VA directly to query the status of the appeal."

Please read the update at the end.

However this is repugnant, the levels of incompetence shown, the lack of any accountability.

This needs to be be FIXED!

I KNOW there are competent employees at the VA.  WHY AREN'T THEY IN CHARGE?!?!?!

Instead of the too highly paid idiots in charge now.

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