Monday, May 13, 2013

Some links

My sleep schedule is all messed up from this weather messing with my skeleton and nervous system.  He are some links for you.

Obamacare: Taxpayers Must Report Personal Health ID Info to IRS

Michele Bachmann: Obama Released IRS Bombshell to Divert Attention From Benghazi

Crony Capitalism At Adobe? Obama’s Goal For Internet Control May Be Behind Adobe’s Cloud

Sorry Liberals… Whistleblower Gregory Hicks Is Not A Partisan Hack!… UPDATE: Whistleblower Attorney Claims NBC Spiked The Story When Informed Hicks Was a Democrat

Records Show Tsarnaev Brothers May Have Used Their EBT Cards to Fund Terror Spree

Figures. The IRS Under Obama Targeted Tea Partiers… And Jews

Kirsten Powers: There is Something “Fundamentally Really, Really Wrong With Our Media” (Video)

C-SPAN: Sharyl Attkison On Benghazi Terror Attack

ITAR and bloody dafties

Politics Disguised as the Fog of War

Kids today!

those who do not learn from the past

Obama Mega-Donor Bill Maher: “If You’re Rich You Should Be Begging The Government To Redistribute Your Wealth”

The IRS’s Selective Investigations and Non-Investigations


I may be wrong about Benghazi...

Ignorant, hateful, racist Democrats...


  1. Good ones, hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. I'm working on it. the weather is clearing up and thee pressure is stabilizing. Once it's back to normal I should be ok. Thank you for your wishes, they are greatly appreciated.


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