Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Take the Star Road

Nineteen yea old  Steve Maxwell has a plan.  Get off Earth, and get to the stars.  As he proceeds along his plan he finds adventures, some unwelcome others very welcome and satisfying. 

Peter immerses you inside the life of Steve Maxwell, from his starting point in Earth orbit to faraway places as he seeks his desires.  Like the Heinlein and Asimov juvenile novels from the 50's and 60's you find yourself relating to the character, and you find yourself becoming Steve.  You will find yourself nodding as something becomes clear and when it ends you will find yourself wondering both is that it?  And when is the next volume coming out?

It is an addicting novel with a character you want to be you.  And I await volume two.

SO click on that cover above to be taken to Peter's blog for the link to to purchase a copy for yourself for just $2.99, and it is well worth the price.  Trust me.

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