Monday, May 27, 2013

This is the cross above my door.  I commissioned it from a friend, who does beautiful Stained Glass work.  I see it every morning and every night.  This it to remind me that Jesus Christ died for me and my sins.

He is not the only individual who has died for me.  Many have willingly offered their life to protect not just me and my family, but our rights as Americans.

Men, Women and even animals have offered up their lives to protect the ideal that is the United States of America.

On this day, we remember their offering, their sacrifice.  For us.  For our families and our children and grand children.  For people they don't even know, other than they are Americans.  These warriors gave up their lives.

We shall honor their sacrifice for us, and we will remember them.

And we ask the Lord to hold his hand over their families and we pray that no more warriors shall need to sacrifice themselves for us.  However evil is on this earth.  And our warriors.  Men.  Women.  Animals.  Put their bodies between us and that evil.   They shield us.  They protect us.

Thank you.

Thank you for your love and service.

Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice.

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