Monday, May 20, 2013

What Anti-Gun Advocates don't understand - UPDATED

"NEW YORK (AP) — The college student was being held in a headlock by a masked intruder with a loaded gun to her head, police said. Then the gunman took aim at an officer.

A moment later both Hofstra University junior Andrea Rebello and the intruder were dead — killed after a split-second decision that is perhaps the most harrowing in law enforcement: when to pull the trigger."

 Police aren't the magical sure shots like Hollywood would like you to believe.  They can and DO miss their target.  And innocent bystanders can pay the price.  Many gun grabbers would have you believe that only the police are trained to protect you and that magic badge on their chest grants them magical powers to never miss, never shoot the wrong person.

I know from personal experience that many officers can barely qualify.  And many departments are so broke that officers have to pay for their own practice ammo.  With the cost of ammunition so high even before the latest run, many officer wouldn't even practice.

When I was in law enforcement I would put between 150 to 200 rounds through my pistol every month.  I was friends with officers who only fired their weapons at the twice yearly qualification.  That was it.  50 rounds of ammo, twice a year.  I shot more than that every month.

And the anti gunners will say that "I" am not qualified to protect myself with a firearm.

I'm sorry that it takes something like this to point out just how fragile the belief in the magic power of a badge actually is.

Bob Owens has more you should read


Well worth the read

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