Friday, May 31, 2013

Young High School Scientist builds his own submarine

"[Justin Beckerman] built a functioning one-man submarine. The thing is, this isn’t the first one that he’s built. Looking through the projects on his website we find almost no information about this build, but he does show off one previous model, as well as a couple of unmanned underwater rover projects."

We need more young inventors like this.  Thinking outside of the box and building things partly for the cool factor but also as testbeds for further study.  Can you imagine our special operations troops using something like this to help them do their jobs?  A small sub that could carry 1 or 2 men and their equipment that costs less than $5,000.00. 


I want one to tool around the bay, maybe just a little bit larger to take kids for rides.  Major Kudos and Kewl Points sir.

1 comment:

  1. Alas, I have lost the link, but I wonder what would happen if his sub rammed this -
    Over 25 foot long -
    "This is not a common model but a real ship that can reach a speed of 15 knots"


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