Sunday, June 9, 2013

Allegedly shot? Allegedly?

"A man who allegedly killed four people in a shooting spree in Santa Monica, Calif., before being gunned down in a shootout with police in the Santa Monica College library planned out the attack, police said today."

He didn't ALLEGEDLY shoot someone.  He was shot by the police in the ACT of shooting.  There is no ALLEGEDLY there.  There is only HE DID IT!

And the media wonders why they are losing market share and money to bloggers.

And he used an Eebil ASSAULT RIFLE!!!!!

Oooh how long until we are told that the eebil gun did it all by itself.  It taunted the alleged gunman into using it, it spoke to him his dreams until he couldn't stand it anymore.


And this happened in Kalifornia, the next most restrictive state as to private firearms ownership after DC and Illinois.

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