Monday, June 17, 2013

Amnesty - Republicans take heed

Ace has a post up that you really should read.

"Outsourcing permits companies to ship most factories overseas so that they can produce products using cheap foreign labor and then import the finished products back to America. 

There are a tiny few jobs left for blue-collar workers that cannot be so exported to other countries -- jobs in which the work must be done in America, due to circumstances. Construction is the paradigmatic type of this sort of work -- you can't build a bridge intended for Vermont in China. You have to build it here.

So, there are very few manufacturing-type jobs left -- doing jobs, making jobs -- where the natural advantage of the American worker has not been undermined by outsourcing to other countries. 

This whole Amnesty bid is an attempt to do an end-run around that. We can't export these jobs to other countries? Fine, then: We'll import the workers to this one."

Republicans in office would do well to read that and ask themselves how they intend to prevent it.

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