Saturday, June 15, 2013

Big Brother strikes again Updated

Clcik the link, scroll down to Power Company Control, then check out the links.

If you want to Opt-out you have to pay a deposit and a monthly fee.

I'm sorry the only person I want controlling my thermostat, or anything about my electrical usage/footprint is ME.

If my bills is too high I makes changes.  I already have, I run CF lights all throughout the house, installed ceiling fans in every room except the bathrooms, I only try to use the washer and dryer after dark.  "I" made those decisions.  If you try to legislate my usage to me, I will do what ever I can do and afford to SPITE you.

As my older brother has called me many a time, "I am a Natural Born Contrarian"

That means annoy me at your own peril, for I WILL find a way to get at you even if it is just something to annoy you back 10 times the amount you annoyed me.  I won't do any damage or hurt anything or anyone but you WILL feel the wrath of what I fondly refer to as my wit and sense of humor.

Also Sheryl Atkinssons computer WAS hacked by person or persons unknown.

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