Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blood Pressure Alert

Please take your blood pressure medication before clicking any of the following links.

AWFUL… Pelosi: “As a Catholic” Late Term Abortions Are “Sacred Ground” (Video)

Another Obama Lie… US Oil Production on Federal Lands at 10 Year Low

 State Dept. Investigator: Order To Stop State Investigation Came From “Higher” Up (Video)

Obama Includes Evangelical Christians on List of Religious Extremists

TX High School Officials Threaten to Sabotage Valedictorian’s Naval Academy Appointment

While Your Phone Calls Are Tracked & Stored – Obama’s Snooping Excludes Mosques

Obama Administration Thugs Threaten State Department Whistleblower… And Her Kids

LOIS LERNER Threatened GOP Candidate, Took Him to Court and Harassed His Elderly Mother

BREAKING: Obama IRS Agents Seen Training With AR-15s

NSA Leaker: US Has Engaged in 61,000 Worldwide Hacking Operations

Man Assaulted by Muslims in France For Eating Ham Sandwich

Report: U.S. Ambassador To Belgium Who Was Top Obama Campaign Bundler & Palin Basher “Solicited Prostitutes, Including Minors”…

Secret Service Visits Outspoken Obama Critic – Because of Tweets

Barbara Boxer: Santa Monica Shooting ‘Gives Us Wind at Our Back’ to Push More Gun-Control (Video)

Republican Congressman Files Amendments to Protect First Amendment Rights of Christian Soldiers

Despite MASSIVE Data Collecting Efforts – Obama Administration Can’t Find 6 Million Illegal Immigrants

Sen. Ted Cruz: Democrats Designed Immigration Bill to Fail – So They Can Use It as a Political Tool (Video)

University of Chicago Removes Pews from 88 Year-Old Chapel to Accommodate Muslim Prayers

Planned Parenthood Celebrates ‘Morning After’ Pills for 5 Year-Old Girls

Another Success Story… Obamacare to Increase Premiums by 88% in Ohio

Chicago Veteran Has Antique Guns Confiscated After Visit to Grief Counselor (Video)

John Boehner Committed to Ram Through Immigration Plan By August

CAUGHT ON TAPE: IRS Tells Conservative Group – You Have to Keep Your Beliefs to Yourself (Audio)< Marco Rubio on Immigration: Legalization Comes First – Then Border Security

Obama’s Peace Partners Behead Two Children 10 And 16 in Kandahar

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