Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Environmentalists - Never thought about it that way

but it makes sense.

Environmentalists are the 1 percent

Many years ago in my fathers law office, there was a very nice female attorney.  On her walls were pictures and posters and thank you stuff from various environmental groups and several anti gun groups.  You know a typical Liberal "I Love Me." wall.  Now this lady wasn't a member of my fathers firm, she just rented an office and paid for secretarial and switchboard services. 

I walked in to the offices one day after a 16 hour shift at the housing authority, I had been awake for about 32 hours and technically "On duty" that entire time but had only just gotten off a post.  I smelled rank, wearing body armor in 98 degree heat with a heat index of 112 does that to you, add in fully duty belt that with my pistol weighed about 25 pounds, combat boots and heavy uniform pants that were supposed to be fireproof after the molotov cocktail incident in the Wellston Projects, where we lost a patrol car and two guys got badly burnt by their polyester pants and shirts.

Anyway I smelled bad and probably looked worse.  This lady lawyer had just moved finished moving in to her office and was setting it up.  She came out of the office and almost walked into me.  She looked me up and down scrutinizing my badge and told me that I didn't have any authority to be in the offices carrying a firearm.  I gave her my "Are you kidding me" look and started to say something to her when my dad came out of his office then and said "good you're here." and then introduced the lady to me.

Her face turned various shades of differing colors, it sorta looked green for a second, but that might have been the light.  I just shook her hand and said  pleasetameetcha then went on back to my dads office to move the file cabinet he had asked me to stop by and do on my way home.

Over the next two years she was in my dad's office she saw me in uniform, in jeans, shorts and suits.  Her attitude toward me changed greatly from our very first meeting.  She was very expansive on how she enjoyed doing work for the Sierra Club, Handgun Control Inc (Which is what the Brady Campaign used to be called), and other assorted groups.  When I asked her why the Sierra Club was against something Ducks Unlimited was doing she gave me a big spiel about how DU was only concerned with hunting the birds and the birds needed to be protected yadda yadda yadda.  I tried to explain to her about the good DU does and hunters as well, she wasn't having any of it.

So, it took me awhile but I found the tax revenue numbers from the tax on firearms, ammunition, hunting and fishing licenses and the programs that money goes to.  I also found, how much the Sierra Club had spent on wildlife management.  It was a 7 to 1 difference.  DU spending plus all that tax money from hunters, fisherman and anyone purchasing ammo generated 7 times as much money for wildlife habitat management and conservation that the Sierra Club spent.  Most of SC's funds were spent on salaries, advertising, lawyers and lawsuits.

I showed her all of this information that had taken me several months to get, (This was pre-internet and WWW), her response?  She moved out of my dad's offices telling him that "I" had made working there a hostile workplace.

Now this is a lawyer, if there was a "Hostile" workplace she would have acted like any other lawyer and sued.

Did she?



Probably because her harping about how the Sierra Club is the best and hunters and anglers and anyone who owns a firearm are bad evil people.

She did this in front of the Secretaries, the Paralegals, the Clients of other Attorneys, many of whom were middle and lower class, blue collar people.  Some of whom were my co-workers who also carried badges and pistols.

If anyone had created a hostile environment, she did.

My dad was only sad to see her go because he was in the middle of trail and couldn't take time to vet any new lawyer to rent the office she left.  Even he was tired of her.  And I know this may sound hokey or something, but my dad got along with almost anyone and everyone, if he didn't like you, you weren't likable to others.  And he didn't really like her because of her constant complaints about all the, well I'll say it, she didn't like how most of my dad's clients were poor black people.  90% of my dad's clients were blacks trying to get a leg up and were working their butts off to try to succeed.  A lot of my co-workers went to my dad, their family members went to my dad.  My dad when he died had over $500,000.00 dollars outstanding invoices from clients who just couldn't pay their bills, but my dad still worked to try to help them.

But according to this lady lawyer, "I" had created a hostile environment because I brought her cold hard incontrovertible facts about how her biases were wrong.

So that article link from Borepatch I posted above?  Yes, Environmentalists ARE the 1%

And they refuse to see the facts, even when you rub their noses in them.

1 comment:

  1. They are the 'elite', how DARE you question them... sigh


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