Saturday, June 8, 2013

If you have done nothing wrong why worry?

"Unsurprisingly, the usual Big Brother apologists chimed in with the rebuttal, “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about.”"

Because under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I have an "Expectation of Privacy".  Which mean I can feel secure in my home, on my computer, on my cell phone from intrusion by ANYONE.  It doesn't matter if I haven't committed a crime or an offense.  I have an Expectation of Privacy.  Therefore the .GOV has no legal Right to examine, surveil, record or in any way shape or form, monitor me or my communications.

Until such time as they gather evidence of any wrong doing by me, they cannot monitor my communications, surveil me or intrude on my privacy.  For them to do that they are REQUIRED to present their evidence of my alleged wrong doing to a judge, who then makes the determination as to whether they have enough evidence to reach the threshold of "Probable Cause"

They are FOBIDDEN by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights from "Dragnet" surveillance, which is just like it sounds.  Throwing out a net and gathering in as much information as they can from as many people as they can in order to look for any wrong doing.

Did you catch that?

They don't have a suspicion of wrong doing by any one particular person, but they are gathering data on people to LOOK for any evidence of wrong doing.

That is Unconstitutional.

In other words, it is ILLEGAL.

I have the RIGHT to be secure in my home, head and communications, be they verbal, written or electronic.  WITHOUT the .GOV seeking to obtain it without "Due Process".

So it doesn't matter if I have nothing to hide.  It matters that the .GOV violated my Rights, your Rights, and BROKE THE LAW.

That is what is at issue in these scandals.

The .GOV, it's agencies and agents VIOLATED the Laws and the Constitution of this nation.

For that there needs to be consequences, for ANY AND ALL involved in those violations.  From those at the bottom who performed the violations, to those at the top who either ordered them or through inaction allowed them to occur.

This is a Nation of Rights and Laws.

If the .GOV can trample on the Rights and Laws with Impunity, what type of Nation are we?

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