Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No Secure Border - No Immigration Reform

How hard is that?  Seriously, just how hard is that equation?

No secure border = No immigration reform.

Until such time that the border is truly secure, from illegal immigration, drugs and weapons smuggling and possible terrorists, there will be NO immigration reform.

Why are they even talking about immigration reform?

They should be talking about securing the border.

If they want to get technical, the US should use the SAME immigration rules of Mexico.  And why is the President of Mexico even IN the immigration discussion?

When the U.S. tries to tighten border security the Mexican President calls us racist.  What?

Look at his laws at the above link, and then tell me who's racist or protectionist.

Until such time as the United States of America's border are SECURE, the politico's in D.C. don't need to be talking about immigration reform.

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