Tuesday, June 11, 2013

One of the reasons I got out of Law Enforcement

"Ever wonder why so many police across the country in separate cities, departments and even agencies display much of the same behavior?
Your job is to ensure that you always remain in a position to exert complete control at all times. In order to accomplish this you must inform all subjects involved in any stop or enforcement action that they must not move, they must keep their hands where you can see them, and they must not place their hands inside their clothing or inside any compartments for any reason unless you instruct them to do so"

I'm sorry but while I did have to ensure I went home after my shift, I saw no reason to treat every person I interacted with during my shift as a possible criminal out to harm me.  People I worked with were of the mentality from Blade Runner.  Deckard is told by Bryan "If you ain't cop, you're little people".  I'm sorry but everyone should be treated the same.  And it got to the point that I couldn't trust the people who were supposed to be my backup, so I got out.

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