Monday, June 10, 2013

Out of the Mount of Babes or at least Liberals

"99 My ultra-Leftist sister told me she could never vote Republican because of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan and the plight of the American Indian.
I informed my sister that the Republican Party was founded by fifty men determined to end slavery, that her Democrats tore America in two and went to war in defense of slavery, that her Democrats founded and controlled the Ku Klux Klan, and that the Trail of Tears was the direct result of a lawless Democrat president choosing to ignore the ruling of the Supreme Court.
She told me that "everyone knows that none of that is true."
I offered her three history books. She refused to take them.
Posted by: Sam Adams at June 01, 2013 12:19 PM (ECDAN)

221 91 This isn't quite as stupid but my father, who has a PhD in mechanical engineering so he's no dummy, told me that Bush lied and the Republicans forced the authorization of force through the Senate. I told him that the Democrats controlled the senate in September 2001.
He wouldn't look at my phone when I pulled it up on the internet.
Posted by: Timon at June 01, 2013 12:17 PM (LGDTn)"

Seriously take a look at that.  Pass it around.  Maybe just maybe we could use that to point out just how deluded certain political types are.

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