Friday, June 7, 2013


I have been reading all the various pieces about the NSA operation tagged as PRISM but no matter how many times I tried to write a post in my head I could not get the words to say what I was thinking.  Abstract concepts are hard to write down and I was about to give up until I hit Jim Hoft's blog The Gateway Pundit.  He had a n update to an earlier posting and the update is what got me.

“They quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type,”

That terrifies me.  As a person with various physical debilities and a few problems with Dyslexia, Dyscalcula and a slight stutter, reading that make me quail.  They can look at what I write as I write it?  They can see the times I start writing things when I am angry and frustrated?  The stuff that I delete after I spend 45 minutes or more writing it, knowing that I will NEVER hit the publish button and will delete after my anger is gone.

They are reading that?

That is like raping my innermost thoughts, turning my head inside out and vacuuming up all my emotions that I tried to get out of my mind.

What gives them the right to do that?  and then HOW DARE THEY!  They know the laws, the Constitution and all of the restrictions they are supposed to operate under.


Right now as I write this, I wonder if someone is watching what I type as I type it.  If so what are they thinking.  Do they understand my fears?  Do they understand my frustrations over their actions?

I pray that the persons responsible for preventing this from happening will stop this and take steps to ensure it never happens again.

UPDATE:  SPAMBOTS GO AWAY!  Your comments will NOT be approved so don't waste my time or yours

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