Thursday, June 6, 2013

Remember only Republicans are Racist

"Harris said he was "rebuked" by Wasserman for hiring white male employees despite the fact that no challenge was ever made by the board members to their professional "qualifications, competency, or efficiency."

I was working as a Security Officer at a St. Louis City Housing Authority Property when the Rodney King Riots were going on.  I stood a post trying to ensure only residents of the building were getting in after 11:00 pm.  And for that I was called every name you can imagine EXCEPT a Man.  I was called things that had me so upset I almost called my supervisor to tell him to take the job and shove it.  I didn't.  I continued to do my job of checking ID's which were required of resident if they wanted to enter after 11.  For that I was told I was only doing it because I was white and they were black.  I was harassing them, I was trying to oppress them.

All I was doing was my job.  But "I" was white.  And no black person can be Racist.  Only white people can.

I met a black man from South Africa once, I can't remember what tribe he was from, but he told me that yes the Whites in power were Racist, but his fellow blacks were worse.  Especially since his tribe was one of the most discriminated against one in South Africa.  He said with the whites in charge he could at least work and provide somewhat for his family.  He told me about how members of another tribe lynched and dismembered his father and uncle simply because they were members of a different tribe.

But Blacks CAN'T be Racist.

Someone ask Peter about Racism between blacks in South Africa if you don't believe me.  He used to live there.  I just met a gentleman from there.  A gentleman who got his wife and kids OUT of South Africa and came to St. Louis Missouri to try to build a life for his family.  The one thing he said which has stuck with me to this day is this.  America is slowly becoming South Africa, with all of the ethnic and race gangs.  And he was actually looking to move again, hopefully the next move would have been to Canada.

But Blacks CAN'T be Racist.

Click that link up top and then tell me that.

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