Monday, June 10, 2013

What's that President Obama? Ms. Napolitano?

"The slaying in Southlake Town Square of a Mexican attorney with reputed ties to drug cartels was a brazen and well-coordinated assassination that illustrates the increasingly long and lethal reach of the brutal criminal organizations, security experts say.

The flamboyant public hit was unusual because Mexican cartels try to stay off the radar on this side of the border.
But it underlines an ominous trend: Dallas-Fort Worth has become a key “command and control” center for moving drugs and people across the country, top state and federal law enforcement officials confirm"

Our border is secure?  We don't have a problems with criminals coming over the border?  You know where EVERYONE who comes over the border is?

Riiiiight, and you want to make it so if one of these pieces of filth tries to attack me, one of my family members or anybody else, we have no means with which to protect ourselves?

You Mr. President and Ms. Napolitano and all of your Coterie, DISGUST me.

You sit behind private security walls and fences with armed men to stand between you and someone who wants to hurt you and even the general public, which the PUBLIC PAYS FOR!!!  And yet you would deny the rest of us that same opportunity for safety by denying us the arms to which we have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, to protect ourselves, family and others.

Such Hypocrites.

No, I'm sorry, you're not hypocrites, you are scum.

And I will be glad when this nation is rid of all of you and your machinations at my next turn at the ballet box.

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