Sunday, July 28, 2013

a very interesting Series on Lumber

How Logs Are Turned Into Boards, Part 1: Plainsawn

How Logs Are Turned Into Boards, Part 2: Quartersawn

How Logs Are Turned Into Boards, Part 3: Riftsawn

Wood Movement: Why Does Wood Move?

Controlling Wood Movement: The Drying Process

Dealing with Wood Movement: Design and Understanding

An Introduction To Wood Species, Part 1: Properties & Terminology

A Bad-Ass Bentwood Job, to the Tune of Bach: Inside NYC's Steinway & Sons Piano Factory

Seriously, if you have ever wondered about wood used in construction and furniture and even Pianos, read those articles and watch the videos.

I'll post the one video that piqued my interst in this

Very cool stuff.  Huh?

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