Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Clearing up some confusion

On this blog you might see where things are posted either by Mark, GreyLocke, Grey Locke, Greylocke01 or Melissa Anderson.

The first 4 are all one person, Me, just different accounts that I use to keep my YouTube video's segregated between monetized video's and non-monetized video's.  The last one is my daughter Melissa aka #2 Sprog.

I will and do answer to Grey, GreyLocke, Mark, Animal or Beast.

But my real Christian name is Mark.  I won't tell you what my Christening name is though.

This is to clear up some confusion that has occurred during E-mail exchanges.

I use the greylocke  gmail e-mail address for most of my correspondence, and usually only check the other ones once a week.

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